Friday 14 November 2008

rm -rf /opt/games/secondlife

I'm sad but its true. I will quit SL and there is no room for discuss that.

Why I leave?

Its simple to explain. RLV makes me go away. To be more exact the fact that RLV has reached the coreitem of ponyplay, the bridle. We allready have enough doormats in ponyplay there is no need for additional RLV-Zombies.

I'm sad that I'm going to loose many people I really like, but RLV is an emotional threat for me. I can not and I will not go on with a constant bad feeling in the neck.

For those of you who want to stay in touch with me nina.magat(at) (its both gtalk and gmail)

With a sad heart
Ysgrathe Dyrssen


Anonymous said...

maybe not need...
rlv it free choice and not need use it if not like.
up you nose and hope will see you.
hugs Lapa.

Anonymous said...

You'll be missed, Ys.

Not everyone uses RLV, and I hope nobody would even think of blaming you if you don't. Although I fear this won't make you change your mind.

*many, many hugs and kisses*

Ysgrathe Dyrssen said...


its not about using it or not. This piece of crap called RLV was an issue for me since I learned about it.

It taints every bit of SL BDSM and makes me feel unwell.

So what is the point in comming to a place where I feel uneasy und unwanted by the system itself. RLV makes me feel like a freak because so many use it.

There are not open for rational criticism on of. So I will take a irrational solution for myself too. SL is nothing for me anymore.

I hope you both can still enjoy SL for yourself.


Anonymous said...

I only wish you had taken the time to contact me before this decision. It breaks an even more sacred bond of BDSM than the trust you talk about. Communication.

This also comes down to you not trusting me it seems. Perhaps my way of doing things lead you to think I would support the RLV?

It hurts me that the AK and myself meant so little that you did not feel we even deserved a word. I had to learn of this from your blog.

Its a shame...I wish you all the best of luck in the future.


Ysgrathe Dyrssen said...

As I said many many times before. Its a problem within me and not in AK its trainers or ponies. I can deal with the presence of RLV.. it was "okish" as long as it stayed away from ponyplay. I never felt comfortable with it around but ponyplay was a safe habour, since ponygear was not RLV.. this changed and in time ponyplay will be full of RLV-Zombies.

I know that this is no option for AK-ponies since there is a sane way of BDSM in AK, but there will be guest who use it.

For me RLV is something that makes me feel unwell and that for more then one reason. The main point is, that what RLV brought to SL BDSM is the thing that drove me away. I fear the idea, the concept and what is does to people around me and it came closer everytime I logged in.

I lost some good friends to RLV, because they converted from spiritfull subs to dull doormats.

Of course you deserved a word and I wrote to Miss White the day I made up my decision. But relog and talk about was no option that time for me. It was a decision that was not easy, you can be sure that it still hurts.

Sad Ys

Lapa said...

I already spoke to you one year ago... You love or not - only software... You do not see people and their feeling...
rlv - It only software.
Only communication do, and maybe it first key.
Sadly that you and have not understood it. But im sure, if you come back - we can again talk as in early time. Im not wish lose you Ysgr...Just not known as help.
And im sure - you clever what understand it.